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How to Make Sure You’re Ready to Relocate

Andy Gagliardo  |  October 8, 2022

How to Make Sure You’re Ready to Relocate

There is an element of excitement and imagination that comes with moving and relocating. It’s an opportunity for change and making upgrades. There are aspects of the process that can be difficult — hours of searching through River Forest, IL homes for sale, visiting properties, making offers, packing up an entire house, schlepping across town, and moving into another home. However, if it’s time to relocate, the downsides of staying will be reason enough to get busy looking for a new house. This article will explore common motivations and considerations for relocating.

Craving change

For many prospective home buyers, the motivation to begin looking for houses for sale in Elmwood Park started with a craving for change. After being in the same house for a while, some homeowners desire something new. The house itself may be magnificent and the neighborhood wonderful, but they are tired of being in the same place. A new home and neighborhood provide a clean slate for decorating, a unique floor plan to work with, and a new community to explore. There may be a new selection of restaurants to try, parks to visit, and shopping centers to investigate. The idea of a new adventure in home ownership is a compelling motivator and one indication that it may be time to relocate.

A dreadful commute

Another common reason homeowners consider a move is that they have grown tired of a dreadful commute. When they first purchased the home, they were convinced the commute “Wouldn’t be that bad,” and they could use the time to listen to audiobooks or call a friend or family member. Or maybe there was a job change that made the commute unsustainable. The possibility of living closer to the office and no longer having to spend hours in traffic every day is a desirable and tempting consideration. There could also be significant savings by not commuting every day. If you are frustrated with your commute, it’s probably a good idea to start viewing Oak Park homes for sale.

An aging home

Some homeowners decide it’s time to relocate because they are weary of the ever-growing to-do list. As homes age, they can begin to consume more and more time and resources, and let’s face it, who wouldn’t rather be out on the boat or having drinks with friends than spend the weekend working on house projects? When a house has aged to become a burden on time and finances, it’s probably time to start looking at River Forest, IL homes for sale.

An upgrade

As time goes by, most homeowners see continual improvements in their finances, making it possible to consider a home upgrade. When increasing equity in a current home is figured into the equation, it’s reasonable to start dreaming about buying a bigger and more luxurious house. Some buyers dream of owning a beautiful home in a sought-after neighborhood, and others long for amenities like a grand master suite, a gourmet kitchen, or a gorgeous swimming pool. Still, others may look for a home in a prestigious community, on a golf course, or on a waterfront lot. Houses for sale at Elmwood Park can deliver a desirable boost to the quality of life and be a tremendous motivator for relocating.

Neighborhood preferences

Unfortunately, as some neighborhoods age, the desirability can also deteriorate. Often the changes are aesthetic, as natural areas are replaced by more and more development. At other times, property values begin to suffer as neighboring homes get older and fall into disrepair. There are many reasons why issues may crop up in a neighborhood, but the result is that some owners want to move away. The characteristics of the community that at one time made it charming have aged. When a community stops feeling like home, that’s a good indicator that it is likely time to begin looking at Oak Park homes for sale.

Lifestyle changes

Without a doubt, the most typical reason for relocating is a change in one’s family situation. It may be time for a young couple just getting married to part company with apartment living and settling down in their first home. A home provides an opportunity to build equity rather than put thousands toward rent.

As a family grows, a small home can quickly become overcrowded. It seems like no day goes by that there isn’t a quarrel over the bathroom. There aren’t enough bedrooms, and cramming the whole family into the tiny dining room is nearly impossible. With nowhere to escape, the walls can feel like they are closing in.

Or perhaps the opposite is true. The last of the kids just got married and moved out, leaving the parents empty-nesters with a home that is way too big. While having extra space for visitors is nice, it’s a lot of house to maintain. With age comes a desire to downsize and simplify so that there’s more time and resources to enjoy retirement.


Many legitimate and excellent reasons to relocate offset the difficulties involved with the process. These reasons can be compelling and motivating, and the dream of a new home can be extremely exciting. After carefully examining the reasons and motivations for desiring a new home, take a moment to asses other important factors. 

Before you commence looking at houses for sale in Elmwood Park, make sure you have the financial resources in place. Do you have the funds to cover the down payment and closing costs? Have you planned for higher insurance, taxes, and monthly mortgage payments? You should also consider changes to your cost of living in your new location and whether it’s in keeping with your current budget.

Moving can be difficult for families. Children will be leaving neighborhood friends and possibly going to a new school. If they are involved in sports or activities, they may need to give those up and begin anew in another town. While avoiding these things is not always possible, home buyers should consider them before deciding to relocate.


Relocating takes patience and hard work, but sometimes life’s circumstances are such that it’s the best option for you and your family. Whether you are just craving change or outgrowing your current home, there are many good reasons to begin looking for a new house. Before starting the search, however, it’s essential to consider how a move will impact your finances and family. Are you able to afford a new home at this time? What are the potential impacts on each member of the family?

After contemplating the pros and cons of relocating, if you decide to move forward with your plans, you’ll want to have a knowledgeable real estate agent working with you to find the right home. Andy Gagliardo at The Gagliardo Group has a team of talented agents that go over and above to ensure an enjoyable and successful experience. Contact the Gagliardo Group Real Estate team today for more information about how we can help you relocate.

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